Lofton Wells’ Not-So-Secret Recipe for Thanksgiving Safety

Lofton Wells’ Not-So-Secret Recipe for Thanksgiving Safety

November 18, 2020

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of year – delicious food, quality time with friends and family, parades and football games. It is also one of the busiest days of the year- cooking enough food for everyone, cleaning the house for guests, making sure that everyone arrives safe and sound and remains that way. Because of the high amount of activities on this day, it results in a high amount of accidents as well. Here are a few tips to keep in mind to make sure that your Thanksgiving is a joyful one- you’ll definitely be thankful in the end.

Burnt Butterballs

Every family has its own traditions and recipes, and Thanksgiving is the perfect time to show them off and enjoy them. Frying Turkeys has become increasingly popular, with special fryers and devices flying off the shelves the next day in the Black Friday sales. Make sure to fry outside and to dispose of the oil safely afterwards. Keep a fire extinguisher handy and never leave the fryer unattended. Make sure that your home’s fire alarms are functioning properly and have fresh batteries. Handle the fryer with gloves to prevent oil burns, and make sure to keep pets and children away from the splash zone.

Food So Delicious, You Taste It Twice

Thanksgiving dinner is famous for the notorious turkey-coma that everyone takes after stuffing themselves with stuffing and pie. Nobody enjoys the idea of seeing all that food again once they finish putting it away. Make sure to check that your food is cooked properly to avoid food poisoning, and always double check for allergies that your guests may have. Bacteria can survive up to 165°, and can reside in unthawed pockets, even after the Turkey has been cooked. Make sure the turkey is properly thawed, cleaned, and cooked before serving- Everyone will be thankful that you did.

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry

While the food is the star of Thanksgiving dinner, the drinks that go with it are not far behind. Making sure that guests drink responsibly and do not endanger themselves or others by driving intoxicated is a necessity. Should someone enjoy themselves a little too much and get hurt on your property, the liability will be the real headache you have to worry about. Car accidents always spike during the holidays due to increased travel and drunk drivers, so make sure to care for your guests this year to ensure that they’re around next year too.

Modern Pilgrims

If you are traveling instead of hosting this year, you should make sure that your home and auto policies are up to snuff. Break-ins tend to be more frequent during the holidays due to homes being left empty, so make sure that your locks on your doors and windows are sturdy and fastened before you leave. You may also want to invest in a home security system to further deter any uninvited guests. Make sure to check your car’s mechanics before traveling long distances, and make sure to check your coverage for roadside assistance, replacement, and towing, just in case something happens to it along the journey.

Come Prepared, Leave Stuffed

Once the festivities have died down and it’s time to call it a day, make sure to be prepared for the journey home. This means checking your gas and systems after your first long drive before your next long drive back home. It also means making sure to bring stretchy pants and Tupperware for leftovers and comfort during the drive! Remember- these are some of the busiest days for homes AND roads, so try your best to make sure that you wont have any unforeseen issues pop up to ruin the journey and holiday experience!

Overall, Thanksgiving is a fun and loving holiday filled with family, friends, and fond memories. Common sense and simple safety will do so much to ensure that it remains happy and wholesome. Keep yourself and others safe this year and make sure that you go easy on the cranberry sauce! If you have any questions or concerns about your home or auto policy and protections, call us at (901)388-7283 or email us at [email protected]. You can also click here to learn more about what a home policy protects, or here to learn more about an auto policy.

Happy Thanksgiving!